Post by Banshee on Feb 23, 2021 7:42:23 GMT
Ideas: Bestiary
The Idea
While the creatures of the Earthern Realm are a given, the creatures that have migrated from the Be'tial home-realm, the Veil, the Between, and the realm of Faerie are very much up in the air. Sure, lots of ideas may come from inspiration received by books, movies, and other sources, but a journal of such beasts would be useful to all the roleplayers of the site. Thus, if a creature is about to be created into existence, a suggestion of that creature would be much appreciated for future reference.What to Consider
Just like when creating a race, there are lots of things to consider when making the creature. The idea of the roleplay is to keep everything within it non-godlike. Hardship, difficulty, etcetera can apply, but there will be weaknesses, strengths, and so forth.- Was this creature inspired by an external reference and/or resource? This will help in the creation of a creature entry.
- What type of creature is it? Mammal, reptile, fish, bird, etcetera? A mix?
- What habitat / location does it preoccupy?
- How strong is it when the target of a court "Hunt"?
- Is it naturally hostile or gentle? Tameable?
- Is it a common beast, a rare one, etcetera? Why? (Fetility, endangered, etc may apply).
Here are some directions for posting your creature suggestion:- Copy and fill out the form – Beneath this set of rules, a form will be provided for you to copy and modify accordingly. Any information about your creature should be addressed in this form. When it's all filled out, go to the reply button beneath this post and submit the filled-out form. Everyone will be able to view it.
- Alert a moderator or administrator – Once the filled form is submitted, go to the site discord and let a moderator or administrator know that there is an idea here to look at. If you wish to add a preview of the idea, there are discord channels for that. You can also get opinions from other members of the site, if you'd like.
- After some reviewing, apply any changes – The administrator or moderator(s) who review the idea might suggest some changes or ask for additional information to be added. The idea is to make sure the idea will fit with the roleplay. If changes are necessary, simply copy your post and re-post it with the changed information. The administrator and/or moderator will delete the previous post for you. In the instance no changes are needed, then the new post is unnecessary.
- The finishing stages - Once your idea is confirmed, accepted, etcetera, then the administrator / moderator will start the process of adding it to forum information. They may ask if you have images you want to include to the page. When everything is hashed out and applied to the forum, then the creature will be available for viewing.
Creature Idea Form
Be sure to follow the above steps. Here is the form: Beast Name: Name the animal
Type: Carnivore, Omnivore, Herbivore, or something-else-ivore? Also, would you consider them part of a normal category of animals (feline, canine, ursine, etcetera) or fantastical? Mammalian, reptilian, etcetera?
Appearance: Do they have fur, scales, feathers, etcetera? Wings, no wings? Number of legs? Colors? Size? Anything you can think of that can aptly describe this creature, include it.
Temperament: Are they gentle? Aggressive or territorial? How do they behave around other creatures outside of their species? Are they dangerous?
Environment: Where might you find this species of beast? In what realm, what kind of ecosystem?
Population: Are they a common creature? Or are they as rare as a unicorn?
Magic Capability: Is this creature fantastical only in appearance, or can they do magic as well? Are they perhaps capable of sentient thought and speech / telepathy? Fill this in with anything unique about the creature that does NOT have to do with its appearance.
Companionable: Do not fill this in. Leave it blank. This will be filled by a moderator or administrator, considering all of the known information about the animal, to determine whether it can be a mount, pet, etcetera.
Other Properties: Is this creature edible? Does it provide a product of sorts? If they aren't companionable, what might make them good targets? Maybe they're a pest? Basically, this is for anything that might be classified as 'etcetera'.
Type: Carnivore, Omnivore, Herbivore, or something-else-ivore? Also, would you consider them part of a normal category of animals (feline, canine, ursine, etcetera) or fantastical? Mammalian, reptilian, etcetera?
Appearance: Do they have fur, scales, feathers, etcetera? Wings, no wings? Number of legs? Colors? Size? Anything you can think of that can aptly describe this creature, include it.
Temperament: Are they gentle? Aggressive or territorial? How do they behave around other creatures outside of their species? Are they dangerous?
Environment: Where might you find this species of beast? In what realm, what kind of ecosystem?
Population: Are they a common creature? Or are they as rare as a unicorn?
Magic Capability: Is this creature fantastical only in appearance, or can they do magic as well? Are they perhaps capable of sentient thought and speech / telepathy? Fill this in with anything unique about the creature that does NOT have to do with its appearance.
Companionable: Do not fill this in. Leave it blank. This will be filled by a moderator or administrator, considering all of the known information about the animal, to determine whether it can be a mount, pet, etcetera.
Other Properties: Is this creature edible? Does it provide a product of sorts? If they aren't companionable, what might make them good targets? Maybe they're a pest? Basically, this is for anything that might be classified as 'etcetera'.